Formación Online

Hyaluronic Acid Hand Rejuvenation

Learn how to perform a treatment that is becoming more and more popular in the world of aesthetic medicine. An evaluation of the back of the hands will be performed analyzing its anatomy and approach points to perform a rejuvenation treatment.

Difficulty level


No one better than doctors with several years of experience and owners of their own clinics to teach you the tricks of the trade throughout the Hyaluronic Acid Hand Rejuvenation treatment.


In the Link found in the Course description.

Aesthetic Medicine Book

The course includes the BestSeller book in Aesthetic Medicine, an essential book that should not be missing in the library of an aesthetic doctor, the only one that includes more than 30 treatments and guidelines for managing and creating your own practice.

Course description

The hands suffer constantly from being subjected to external factors. The damage caused by these factors is added to the changes that occur due to physiological aging, which are more pronounced than in other areas of the body. It is still part of our letter of introduction to the world as it is an area directly exposed to the sight of people. Because of this, greater importance is being given to its care and improvement. Hand rejuvenation treatment is indicated for those people who want to improve the appearance of their hands, either to rejuvenate them or simply to improve the appearance of the skin on the back of the hands.



Course designed for...

Physicians who want to learn or perfect their techniques to perform a good rejuvenation treatment.

This course is for you if...

You are looking to learn how to manage and perform the most demanded aesthetic medicine treatments in the market.


  1. Presentation and discussion of clinical cases.
  2. Management of side effects.
  3. Tips and tricks in the most demanded aesthetic medicine techniques.
  4. Learn with experienced professionals.
  5. Electronic certificate.

Our medical trainers

All of CIME Academy's medical trainers have extensive experience in aesthetic medicine treatments, in addition to being entrepreneurial doctors who own their own clinics

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sánchez

Medical Director of the CIME and CIME Academy clinics. He is also deputy director of the Master of Aesthetic Medicine at the Catholic University of Valencia

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If you would like a particular internship, please contact us at indicating the date and course. This training may include additional costs.

Hyaluronic Acid Hand Rejuvenation

Announcement Open

Requirement: Medical Degree

Difficulty level: Low

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Recommended Bibliography

Complement all concepts with the books created by the same expert team of CIME Academy.

Aesthetic Medicine: keys, approaches and current treatments

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Botulinum Toxin Treatment Protocol

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Protocol of action in Vascular Laser Treatment and Chemical Sclerosis

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Action Protocol in Emergency Situations

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Protocolo del Tratamiento de Plasma Rico en Plaquetas