Book: "Bioneuroemotion - How to manage our relationships".

Relationships are the key to our life, without relationships we would not be here. Enric Corbera gives us a vision of quantum consciousness, when we talk about our relationships we will always talk about ourselves in relation to the other, which produces a change of perception.


Book: "Bioneuroemotion - How to manage our relationships".

Relationships are the key to our life, without relationships we would not be here. Enric Corbera gives us a vision of quantum consciousness, when we talk about our relationships we will always talk about ourselves in relation to the other, which produces a change of perception.

The key is that the world I see is not the world it really is. We are not aware that the world we see is an interpretation and our interpretation is directly related to our beliefs, our culture, our prejudices and above all to the information we have received from our ancestors.

There is a principle that is accepted by everyone that says: "Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but transformed", and we all know that energy is information; therefore, this is fundamental because we forget to think that we can eliminate information that we have received from our ancestors, because this is impossible. Information can never be lost because you can always need information at any moment of your existence, or of the existence of the beings that are going to follow you.

In the universe in the quantum field there is no concept of causality, nor of chance; moreover, Dr. Carl Gustav Jung said that when we do not understand why or why things happen we have no explanation and we say things like "what a chance", "it was chance", and we say that something is by chance or that it is by luck or chance because we have no other explanation that really makes us understand and comprehend why this happens. Quantum physics has given us explanations to all this and it is called "synchronicities". The more we open our mind to the possibility that what is happening to us is not the result of chance, or good luck, or bad luck, we avoid giving ourselves explanations that really condition our life, and we stop projecting beliefs like "this is the karma you have", "this is the cross that god sends you", when we enter into quantum consciousness you realize that there is no destiny, but if there is no destiny surely we ask ourselves the question, "what is there?"

Quantum physics as a foundation for explaining the dynamics of relationships.

We must remember that we are made of atomic particles and therefore somehow there has to be some connection between those two physics. Newtonian physics is the physics of the duality of the two separate bodies and quantum physics is the physics that unites all things.

Enric tells us that when he began to develop bio-neuroemotion from quantum consciousness, people told him he was crazy, that he was talking nonsense, but he explains that this happens to everyone when someone starts to say things that are not within the paradigm in which we move.


We must remember that we are not body, we are consciousness and as the body is mass, it is matter, it will disappear, but consciousness is information and information is neither created nor destroyed, it will remain.

The author talks about how important it is how each one of us vibrates, because although we are apparently separate, we are all interconnected. What we encounter in our lives will always be in resonance with my way of living and understanding life. It is curious that many people do not realize that they talk about this every day, but they express it in a popular way: "we are on the wave", "we have the same feeling", "we are in tune"; this does not cease to be the expression of a daily reality.

Resonance, we must remember that the whole universe resonates, our thoughts and our feelings resonate in all our corporeality and cause the manifestation of symptoms that we call diseases, physical symptoms or indispositions,

Enric recalls a phrase that a teacher told him: "I encourage all students to question the teachings they are going to receive, because for things to evolve one has to question what one is learning, because ultimately learning always limits".

He talks about consciousness, which is fed by 3-5% of our psyche; it is what we perceive and what gives meaning to our life. Consciousness determines the information inputs that we are willing to process, and these will be in direct relation to my unconscious information.

To awaken is to become aware that there is nothing that makes us special, because we are already special. We inherit our mother's consciousness, our grandmother's consciousness, our family consciousness, our clan consciousness, this resonates in our life, and the consciousness of the unconscious, it is worth the redundancy, familiar and collective, projects in a member of the clan the resolution of the conflict. And that is why when we ask ourselves the question: why or for what reason has it been my turn to live this and my sister's turn to live the opposite? Because you, your soul, your spirit, your conscience, or the conscience of the clan have decided so.



The principles that we will use for our relationships will be the following:

- Projection

It is the understanding that I am constantly projecting myself onto the other. The spiritual masters have taught us and told us that we see sin in the other what we condemn in our own, therefore, I cannot be angry with something that is outside if I am not angry with myself and with the same thing first. It has to do with the observer effect: if I change my conscience I will see things in the other person that I did not see before.

When one changes and heals his perception he stops looking for guilt in the other, the partner does not receive that information, he receives another frequency, he does not receive the resonance of before and makes him feel more comfortable, and as he feels more comfortable he is less irritable, and as he is less irritable he is more sympathetic.

- Polarities

Just like chemical elements, people attract each other by complementarity in order to find a balance (interpretation of quantum entanglement).

You are always with the one you have to be with, it is impossible for you to be with someone else, so we can forget about falling in love which is nothing more than an explanation of the ego, which does not understand what is happening, that in reality they are complementing each other to make the next step which is called transmission of information through the fluids.

We should be happy with who we have next to us because they resonate with us.

We do not attract what we want, but we attract what we are, we fall in love for things that we think they are when in reality then comes out why we are together, which are precisely what we think separates us is what has united us. In the end you realize that you are with that person because of what you thought separated you, is what unites you, what is apparently different is complementary and complements you.

Relationships last as long as they have to last, there are more lasting and less lasting relationships, but all relationships have their purpose.

The bio-neuroemotion method can be summarized in four steps:

Choose a symptom or difficult situation.
Identify the stress scenario
Search for resonance in other moments
Search for the family resonance
And from here the person becomes aware and transcendence occurs.

Bio-neuroemotion leads the person to emotional freedom, it works on perception.

The universe only understands emotions and feelings, the vibration of emotion has a frequency that all beings in the universe understand.the universe is moving us, taking us to situations that have to do with our frequency and consciousness, so when my consciousness really changes, as Albert Einstein said "If you do not like the world you see, know that you can not change it. But if you change one thought about the world you see, it will change your universe"; and this is understood only from vibration, from consciousness. Therefore we must understand that everything is perfect because if something does not come out it is because it is not in frequency.

The universe when it creates a problem always gives you a solution, but the solution that best suits you, not the solution that best suits you.

Carl Gustav Jung said: "Those who do not learn from the unpleasant events of their lives force the cosmic consciousness to reproduce itself as many times as necessary to learn what the drama of what happened teaches. What you deny subdues you, what you accept transforms you".



Special relationships are based on:

Guilt as manipulation.
Belief in lack.
Belief in loneliness.
Belief in happiness as something external.
Fear of not having.
Fear of losing.
Why do we say "I want it" when we mean "I am afraid of loneliness"?

Why do we say "is that I want it" when we mean "I am afraid of lacking it"?

Why do we say "I love him" when we mean "I am afraid of uncertainty"?

The answer lies in our unconscious programming, the suffering and pain that our ancestors went through, not to suffer them but to give them a higher level of consciousness.

We are conditioned by information from our unconscious, we transcend it by understanding our family history and forgiving ourselves.

The threads that govern our life are governed by the quantum field that vibrates as we vibrate, Enric tells us to reach another level of consciousness, to stop thinking that we have the ability to control, to stop thinking that we have the ability to choose, because we can never control and we will never know which is the right choice. Let us let the quantum field manifest through us, with the certainty that we are where we should be, with the person that complements us and the only thing we should do is bless the situation no matter how unpleasant and painful we live, and then we will surrender because we will understand that we cannot control what is uncontrollable and then through us the quantum field, the divinity, will manifest in all its splendor and we will live a life that even in the most remote dreams we will never be able to dream of.

Enric tells us: "Surrender, do not resign, surrender, accept because every situation in your life carries the gold that will make you grow, that will make you vibrate, that will make you transcend, that information because you will then become saviors of the world and the world changes when consciousnesses change, when consciousnesses change the world, the universe, adapts to the new consciousness".

If we continue to think that the other comes to make up for our deficiencies, I will continue with the deficiencies and when I do not have the other, I will suffer and experience pain, but if the other that I have in front of me I realize that he complements me, he is not only next to me and benefits me, but he benefits me because I have something to learn. Therefore, the other is my blessing, not my misfortune.

Freedom extends only to the limits of our consciousness. We are always facing ourselves, there are not two but a unity that complements each other.

Dignity is the love we owe to ourselves.

Enric reminds us that: "the day you have infinite patience, the results will be immediate".


I too have been where you are now. When I started my dream of starting my own Medical Clinic and was the CEO, I did not know how to fulfill my responsibilities at work and be present at home with my family at the same time. However, after making changes in my productivity, goal setting and leadership, I was able to take my company forward through an economic recession the country was in and achieve positive results; all while being home in time to have dinner with my family every night.

I now teach the same principles that helped my leadership, along with my team, here at CIME Academy.


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