Discover Excellence in Aesthetic Medical Training with CIME Academy
Discover how CIME Academy, led by Dr. Manuel Rubio, is transforming training in aesthetic medicine with practical and personalized programs.
Botulinum Toxin Course: Tips for conversation with your patients
"My goal is to help you become the best version of yourself—to help you look, feel, and live your best." Together, we can free her from the doubts she experiences about Botulinum Toxin (Botox-Neurotoxin) treatment.
Reflections on "The secret of the 7 seeds".
Ignacio Rodriguez was a businessman, General Manager of a very important company. Due to his bad habits and constant stress, he suffered a heart attack at the age of 42.
Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment Protocol - PRP
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an autologous, non-toxic, non-allergic preparation obtained by centrifugation of the patient's blood, whose function is directly linked to the release of growth factors from the platelets themselves.
Book: "Self-control".
All the long-term goals and projects that we have in life require us to choose intelligently the actions that lead us to achieve these objectives. To always make the right decision regarding our actions is always a matter of self-control, which plays a key role in the development of our business.
Book: "Talent is overrated".
Someone who works for 10 years in the same profession dedicating 40 hours a week, during this time could complete 20,000 hours of practice.
Book: "The 6 pillars of self-esteem".
Self-esteem is responsible for many of the results we obtain in our lives. That is why it is of vital importance that day by day we look for alternatives that allow us to increase our self-esteem.
Medical Chemical Peeling Protocol
In the medical-chemical peeling protocol we intend to establish the medical action guidelines and determine the diagnosis, indications and contraindications, material to be used, aftercare and complications that may arise.
Protocol of action in Vascular Laser Treatment and Chemical Sclerosis
This Protocol of action in vascular laser treatment and chemical sclerosis gives us all the basic and necessary information that we must have at hand in the office as it is very easy to carry in the pocket of the gown to be able to consult it at any time.
Protocol for Emergency Situations
The following protocol of action in emergency situations has a primary objective: to help the assistance of any emergency situation you may have in our clinics with sufficient ease for prompt action.
Botulinum Toxin Treatment Protocol
Approaches to facial rejuvenation continue to evolve over time. One of these evolving approaches is Botulinum Toxin, which is currently one of the most in-demand aesthetic methods in the world.
Book Aesthetic Medicine: keys, approaches and current treatments.
This book was born with the aim of bringing knowledge to more doctors who are in training in the field of Aesthetic Medicine.
Esto también pasará
El luchar contra lo que no nos gusta, quedarnos en el rencor y la rabia de que las cosas no sean como esperamos, nos hace más desgraciados: hemos de aceptar tanto lo malo como lo bueno, pues al final todo pasará y lo importante es disfrutar del camino.
Book: "Psychology of Sales".
Sales is one of those professions in which you can start with few skills and abilities, and that when gradually improved can represent a significant increase in income.
Book: "Bioneuroemotion - How to manage our relationships".
Relationships are the key to our life, without relationships we would not be here. Enric Corbera gives us a vision of quantum consciousness, when we talk about our relationships we will always talk about ourselves in relation to the other, which produces a change of perception.
Book: "The Big Apple: Apple's 10 Keys to Success".
Steve Jobs knew how to influence people in search of a favorable response to him as he did when hiring the CEO of Pepsi he said to him, "Do you want to spend the rest of your life selling sugar water or are you up for changing the world?"
Book: "Swallow that toad".
Let's face it: there is not enough time to do everything on your to-do list. Successful people know that it is impossible to do everything, but they also know something very important: they know how to prioritize tasks in order to complete the most important ones every day.
Book: "Who took my cheese?"
This short fable is about how people handle change. Something we instinctively try to avoid or minimize, but it happens and is inevitable. Cheese is a metaphor for whatever you want or need in your life, it is your goal.
Book: "Change your life before breakfast".
Success in your work, without personal growth, will not lead to happiness. So that's what we're going to cover here: six steps to start your day positively and set yourself up for success.
Book: "The Power of Habits".
The brain constantly looks for ways to save effort and records sequences of actions to turn them into automatic routines. These automatic routines help us save time, however, they can also be detrimental when it comes to negative habits.
Book: "The obstacle is the way".
Sometimes we forget something in life: it doesn't matter what happens to us or where we come from, what matters is what we do with what we are given.
Book: "Toxic People".
These people are unconsciously affecting your life and your development, so it is of utmost importance that you learn first to identify them and then to minimize the influence they have on your mind.
Book: "The Compound Effect".
Success is often misunderstood, success is not doing five thousand different things very well, success is doing 12 different things very well 5 thousand times; therefore, success is only achieved when we manage to have the discipline to be the same boring and mundane process day in and day out.
Book: "Do it".
"There are two mistakes we can make on the path to truth, not going all the way and not starting."- Siddhartha Gautama
Book: "Sell to the mind not to the people".
This book presents the best neurosales and/ or neuromarketing techniques supported by scientific evidence and backed up by anthropological and neuroscientific research on consumer purchase decision processes.
Book: "The War of Art".
This book tells us about "Resistance", which is the reason why you have a gym membership, but, even though you paid for it, you stopped going. Let's remember that to overcome resistance we must be disciplined and to achieve it we can follow these steps:
Book: "The 10X Rule".
How different would the life of each of us be if we put our full potential into each and every one of our activities and goals?
Book: "How to Suppress Worries and Enjoy Life".
Most of the things that keep us awake 95% of the time are stupid things and the other 5% are things we have no control over and must accept in order to lead a stable and happy life.
Book: "The way of the superior man".
How many times we think things like: "I would really like to start exercising, but now I do not have enough time, I have a job that consumes many hours of my day, maybe when I have more time available I will start doing it.
Book: "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind".
The premises that were instilled in you since you were a child have probably continued in your unconscious mind until today, for sure you heard your parents or a relative say things like "money is the origin of all evils", or "money changes people". Those things you hear
Book: "The 5/25 Rule".
Warren Buffett is undoubtedly the most important investor of this century because in 60 years he has managed to build a great fortune through his investments in the stock market, a clear example of a person who has a long-term mentality.
Book: "Your Wrong Zones".
When negative thoughts such as guilt, worry and anxiety arise in your mind, they end up clouding your vision, as you experience them your path begins to be guided by these negative inner forces that lead you to commit wrong actions.
Book: "The only thing".
When we see someone who has a lot of knowledge it has been because they have taken the recurring actions over a long period of time; in conclusion, success is built sequentially by doing one thing at a time.
Top 10 books that will positively influence your life
Top 10 books that will positively influence your life for work, personal and economic growth.
Book: "The Cash Flow Quadrant
The Money Flow Quadrant represents the four ways in which people earn their income:
Book: "The Magic of Thinking Big".
Any achievement you want to have, however difficult it may seem, has to start with the idea that it can be achieved; This is where the difference between mediocrity and greatness is.
Book: "The 4-hour work week".
Although the title of this book may sound utopian or that we need to belong to a wealthy family to achieve it, this is not so. There are three fundamental aspects that this book advises us to achieve this level of autonomy: Elimination, Automation and Liberation.
Book: "The 48 Laws of Power".
Once you have set your mind to rise to power the first law you have to learn is:
Book: "The Law of Attraction".
The law of attraction is an idea that has been very popular in recent years and has received a lot of diffusion through the media, but what exactly is the law of attraction and how does it work?
Book "The Power of Now".
What Eckhart Tolle does not teach in this book is that we should not be making assumptions and projecting ourselves into the future, as this generates a lot of anxiety and can not only make life more difficult than it already is, but also generate illnesses.
Book "Organize Effectively".
Personal productivity has become fundamental in the lives of successful people, our time is limited and what better than knowing how to manage this valuable asset. Many people still think that it is almost impossible to do many tasks, but this method will help us to make it possible.
Book Miraculous mornings
One aspect that has a direct impact on your results is the first hour of each day, it is said that if you have a productive first hour so will be the rest of your day.
Book "The Slight Advantage".
In this book, author Jeff Olson proposes that the best way to improve substantially in any aspect of our lives is to start being aware of each and every decision we make in our daily lives.
Book "Rich Dad - Poor Dad".
Financial education is not something you receive in schools and/or universities but is taught at home, the rich teach their children how to become rich and, unless you belong to that 1% of the population, your parents educated you to be poor or middle class.
Book "Mastery".
Finding your calling in life is a complicated process and it is a process that we have to do on our own as the individuals that we are. Once we find our calling we are on our way to finding mastery.
Book: "Think and Grow Rich".
Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie were born and raised in very humble places and had no formal education, both may have suffered from poverty, but never from mental poverty as they revolutionized and created industries leaving a great legacy to humanity.
Book: "The ego is the enemy".
Our ego accompanies us in every moment of our life, whether in aspiration, success or failure, but the most important thing is to learn to conquer it, since it is our greatest opponent.
Book: "The Power of the Mind".
Throughout this book it is described how hard work alone is not enough to produce satisfactory results, since the thoughts produced by our mind also play a crucial role in success or failure.
Book "The optimist in you".
Being optimistic does not mean being oblivious: it means having an open and hopeful attitude, having self-confidence and the ability to overcome.
Book: "Awakening the giant within".
"It is our decisions and not conditions that determine our destiny."
book "100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
In the book "100 Ways to Motivate Yourself" by Steve Chandler we find many ideas to achieve our goals, these are some of them:
The Power of Full Engagement
This book teaches us how to seek our maximum productivity, for this it tells us that we must control and maintain our energy to the maximum and in order to have the necessary energy we must not neglect aspects such as habits and routines, rest and recovery.
Book "Power without limits".
"Each one of us, regardless of our origin, has the power to positively change our lives," first by making the best decisions and second by emulating the performance of those who have achieved the results we seek.
Book: "The monk who sold his Ferrari".
We have to be aware that we came into the world with nothing and once we leave it we will also leave with nothing and that the only thing that will remain after this happens is our contribution.
Book: "Emotional Intelligence".
our IQ is not the only key factor that determines future success; emotional intelligence can be even more important. And having emotional intelligence encompasses five fundamental pillars:
Book "The 80/20 Principle".
It is true that you must simplify your work by applying the Pareto principle, but it is also true that sometimes an additional effort is necessary to apply this principle correctly.
What is more convenient for me to do: a Fellowship or a specific course of Aesthetic Medicine treatment?
we develop a training for doctors by conducting practical courses with real patients. All of us who have completed a master's degree in aesthetic medicine know that the training we are given in the master's degree is much more theoretical than practical, which creates a big barrier for us when we ha
Commentary on "How to win friends and influence people".
The book was written by Dale Carnegie in 1936 and some of its teachings have been passed from generation to generation, serving as a great help to those who seek to establish connections and generate positive impact on people.
Scientific study between anxiety and obesity
Study of the Relationship between Anxiety and Obesity by Means of the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) Questionnaire
Botulinum Toxin Course (neuromodulators)
Toxin in its purest form, free your patients from upper facial lines with botulinum toxin free of complexing proteins.
General Course in Aesthetic Medicine - CIME Academy
Transform your career with CIME Academy's General Aesthetic Medicine Course. Learn the most popular treatments and practice with real patients in small groups.
Training Course in Radiesse and Hybrids – CIME Academy
At CIME Academy, learn to master Radiesse and hybrid techniques with a hands-on approach to advanced facial and body treatments. With expert teachers and real practices, this course will help you stand out in the competitive world of aesthetic medicine.
Advanced Neuromodulators Course – CIME Academy
Perfect your techniques in the use of botulinum toxin with advanced applications such as full face, bruxism and hyperhidrosis, while gaining practical experience on real patients. Elevate your professional practice with a course designed to deliver exceptional, natural results to your patients.
Guided Ultrasound and Anatomy Training Course – CIME Academy
CIME Academy's Guided Ultrasound and Anatomy Training Course offers you advanced techniques to master safe and effective procedures in aesthetic medicine, such as ultrasound-guided neuromodulation and vascular mapping. Sign up and stand out as an expert in advanced aesthetics!
Everything You Need to Know About Our Aesthetic Medical Training: Frequently Asked Questions.
Discover the answers to the most common questions about our training in aesthetic medicine. In this article, we clarify everything you need to know to start your path to professional success. Get ready to transform your career with CIME Academy!
Transform your medical practice: Facial aesthetic medicine as the key to attracting more patients.
Discover how facial aesthetic medicine can boost your medical career. At CIME Academy, we offer specialized training to master the most in-demand techniques and take advantage of the growing aesthetic market. Get ready to transform your professional practice!
Aesthetic Medicine at your hands
Master the most in-demand facial aesthetic treatments with our intensive course at CIME Academy. Get more than 70 hours of real clinical practice and learn to apply techniques with precision and safety. Boost your career in just 4 days!
From theory to practice: Transform your medical career with training in facial aesthetic medicine
Discover how to overcome insecurity when applying facial aesthetic treatments with practical and real training. At CIME Academy, we offer personalized mentoring and real patient experience so you can master the techniques with confidence. Take the professional leap you need!