Reflections on "The secret of the 7 seeds".

Ignacio Rodriguez was a businessman, General Manager of a very important company. Due to his bad habits and constant stress, he suffered a heart attack at the age of 42.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sánchez, 19/02/2020. #Books

Reflections on

Reflections on "The secret of the 7 seeds".

Ignacio Rodriguez was a businessman, General Manager of a very important company. Because of his bad habits and constant stress at 42 years of age he suffered a heart attack, so his doctor recommended him to eat healthy food, quit smoking and alcohol, and practice meditation to control his stress.

He was very skeptical about such things, however, despite having improved his diet, a month after his doctor's appointment he was close to suffering another heart attack, so as an act of desperation, but still with many doubts about it, he decided to go to a Hindu teacher who had been recommended to him to learn to meditate. Upon meeting the master, Ignacio was surprised by the energy and wisdom he perceived in him and in each of his sentences. He realized for the first time in his life that, despite all his material possessions and achievements, he was not really happy. At the end of their conversation, the master took out a chest and told Ignacio that it contained the seven seeds of happiness and that each one of them contained a profound teaching that would allow him to return to his path.


  Upon meeting the teacher, Ignacio was surprised by the energy and wisdom he perceived in him and in each of his sentences.


He gave him the first seed and asked him to return when it germinated to decipher his teaching. As four weeks had passed and the seed still had not germinated, Ignacio decided to go to the master to ask for an explanation. The master confessed to him that it was a seed that had been hit by a hammer and would never germinate. He explained to him that the seed represented self-knowledge, that just like the seed, most children are beaten physically or psychologically when they are small and therefore never develop their true potential, but unlike the seed, human beings can develop our potential by becoming aware that many of our emotions of fear, insecurity, anguish, anger, etc., and the actions we take based on them, are the result of our fear, insecurity, anguish and anger, and the actions we take as a result of them, are not really ours but are subconsciously projected by us because in the past, especially when we were children, we were made to feel that way. If we are able to identify those events and become aware of our subconscious emotions, reviewing how they manifest in our current life, we can gradually separate and free ourselves from them and their consequences.

The master gave Ignacio the second seed and again asked him to return when it had germinated, in the meantime he would have enough time to anchor the first teaching. A month passed and the second seed had already germinated, so Ignacio went back to the master and told him of his progress in self-knowledge. When he asked him about the lesson of the second seed, the teacher told him that it was a "public mimosa", a plant that has the peculiarity of withdrawing when it feels noises around it, when it feels activity, the plant hides in itself, isolates itself and looks for its inner peace. So the teacher explained to Ignacio that the teaching of that seed was about meditation, a technique that consists in not thinking, in clearing the mind. He recommended that he start practicing it at least once a day to "park" external activity and get in touch with his inner energy, and thus access his inner treasure of peace, tranquility and wisdom. The master gave Ignacio the third seed and once again told him to come back after it germinated. After a few months the third seed had grown into a wonderful purple rose bush. The teacher explained to Ignacio that the choice of that seed was about the ego, that when we feel confident we have self-confidence, we feel that we are worth; that is, when our self-esteem is high there is no need to hide or demonstrate anything, however, when we feel insecure, afraid or scared, our ego has an imperious need to hide that internal reality and thus, we develop in a subconscious way certain behaviors. For example, it is common that people with esteem problems seek to put themselves in situations where they can feel admired, recognized or simply get attention in any way; they do it because deep down they feel undervalued and insecure and, as with roses, if you approach these people you will see a thorny reality of fear and internal pain. It is the same ego that dominates us when we speak ill of other people, judge them or even attack them physically or psychologically in order to fulfill our ego's need to feel superior. The master taught him that he could reduce and calm that negative ego if he continued with daily meditation.

Another few weeks passed and the fourth seed germinated and began to grow. His gardener told Ignacio that it was a mango plant, Ignacio believed that the message would be related to the fruits of life, since one reaps what one sows, but the teacher told him that he agreed with that statement, but that in reality the message of that seed was "selfless service", since the mango protects us from the sun with its shade and also gives us its fruits. We usually act in a self-interested way to achieve our personal objectives, achieve goals, solve our problems or acquire a certain status by buying expensive objects. Ignacio realized that advertising and television make us believe that happiness is in material things, but in reality the greatest happiness is what you feel when you help others. It is as if God gives you a prize for aligning your actions with divinity. To do selfless service is to step over the ego and discover how we can help other people. The teacher made him understand that service is an attitude towards life, that doing service is listening with empathy to your employees when they have a problem, it is caring about the growth and development of your person, your partner, your children, your staff and even giving a silent thought of love to a person in the street, in addition to contributing to charitable causes. Finally, the master encouraged Ignacio to find his purpose in life and that the service he did would be aligned with that purpose.

The fifth seed was a sunflower and it blossomed in less than two months. Ignatius was happy to be able to meet with the master again, tell him of his progress and continue to learn from his wisdom. The sunflower rotates during the day looking for sunlight, and that reminds us that the important thing is not what circumstances or problems we face in life, but that we must always orient our decisions towards the light, towards God. In every moral dilemma we will necessarily face several values and we must decide for that path that is closer to the essence of our spirit. The sunflower seed represents ethical decision making and although Ignacio had never given importance to these things, since in his country many of these things are considered normal, but now he was aware that he was affecting the whole society, and himself simply by buying pirated books and movies, paying bribes so that his company would benefit or any other dishonest act he incurred in. By abandoning these practices, he could enjoy peace and tranquility of mind as a result of leading an ethical life.

It took six months for the sixth seed to finally emerge a small sprout. His gardener informed him that it was a small pine plant. He was very curious to go to his master, as he was not sure what teaching this seed could bring him. The master explained to him that what makes the pine tree special is the symmetry of its branches, which gives it an excellent balance that allows it to grow very tall and remain totally balanced, in addition to many other advantages. We also have branches, which are the different roles we play in life. Ignacio was the manager of his company and had a lot of work, but he was also a father, husband and son and if he wanted to enjoy his family he had to take care of his health, he also liked to share his time with his friends and many other things. He also had to find the perfect balance between his branches, so that one role would not overshadow the other. The teacher gave Ignacio the advice to plan his time ahead of time each week so that he could make sure he fulfilled each of his roles. Finally, before saying goodbye he also suggested that he try to eat a predominantly vegetarian diet to enjoy better energy levels and greater health.

The last seed was a reed tree. This tree has the characteristic of being totally flexible and therefore has the ability to withstand hurricane force winds. The only thing that is rigid and does not move is its root. This tree brings two messages: in the first place it tells us that in life we must adapt to the winds of change, we must have an open mind and dare to question our behaviors, beliefs and prejudices to explore, to make positive changes in our lives, even if at first other people discourage us. The second message of this seed is about the wisdom of detachment, as well as the reed that flows with the winds without offering resistance, but also its root well rooted in the earth; human beings must be free, without being attached to the superficial, to material goods or forms, our rootedness must be only in the deepest part of our being, which is our spirit.


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Dr. Manuel Rubio Sanchez
aesthetic doctor

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