Book: "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind".

The premises that were instilled in you since you were a child have probably continued in your unconscious mind until today, for sure you heard your parents or a relative say things like "money is the origin of all evils", or "money changes people". Those things you hear


Book: "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind".

There are people that when they hear about a person who is prosperous and successful, the first thing they think about is how bad and greedy that person must be, the illicit businesses that he/she will have to have accumulated all that money, ...; this is the typical reaction of those people who in their life have not known how to manage their income. This will be the first aspect that you must change if you want to have successful results in your life, I am not saying that a person can not have a shortage of resources during a period of his life, the lack of money may be temporary, but it is the mental poverty that many people have that often does not let them move forward.

The premises that were instilled in you since you were a child have probably continued in your unconscious mind until today, surely you heard your parents or a relative say things like "money is the origin of all evils", or "money changes people", or "happiness cannot be bought with money". Those things you heard about money are the ones that in many occasions make you think that getting a considerable amount of money is impossible or is frowned upon.surely you have reaffirmed this when you watch television and find people who with illicit businesses have managed to amass many fortunes, but there are also many others who have managed to make fortunes of money with effort and a lot of determination, but above all because they have been especially careful about the management of their money.

The problem is that a large part of the population does not have the will, the determination or the discipline to invest the thousands of hours necessary to create a new business or to learn about investments and money management, and they limit themselves to saying things like "well, because of the crisis I still don't have any money", or "if I were living in another country things would surely be different", or "here I don't have opportunities". They always seek to blame external factors or situations over which they have no control.

The main lessons of this book are:

1-Rich people think "I believe in my life"; poor people think "life is something that happens to me."

Most poor people see wealth as something that can come only by chance, as a stroke of luck, not as something that can be built; always alluding that their lack of resources is due to an external situation. Rich people, on the contrary, create their future from concrete actions, such as creating a new business, learning about investments, creating a new product. The disadvantage that arises is that not all people are willing to invest the amount of time necessary to create a successful business, to invest or to develop a new product. Of course, it is not enough to just say I will create my own business and a month later I will magically become a multimillionaire, but it requires investing many hours of learning, in which you will have to sacrifice the time you use to watch TV, to be with your family, ... to invest them in things that can add value to your business or product to make it successful.

2-Rich people are committed to being rich; poor people would like to be rich.

If we ask ourselves right now if we would like to be rich we would probably answer with a resounding "yes". Most people want to have money, but there has to be a total commitment if you really want to have money. If right now we ask ourselves "are we willing to work 16 hours a day?", "are we willing to sacrifice the time you are with your family and friends to invest in your business?", and the most important question "are we willing to risk all of our time, energy and start-up capital without any guarantee of return?", then most likely your answer will be "no".

As you can see there must be a total commitment if you want to acquire a stable economic life, and this is one of the reasons why most people choose easier paths, such as getting a job where, although the income is little, it gives them more certainty and security.

3- Rich people admire other rich and prosperous people; poor people resent rich and prosperous people.

The resentment that people who have less money feel towards those who have more money is common, for example, the one who has a big car is envied by the one who does not have the possibility to buy one. People usually associate wealth with greed or label those who have more as bad people. And that does not mean that he who has more money is a better person, since ethical and moral standards have nothing to do with the economic condition; it is clear that there are rich people whose actions are not the best, but there are also poor people who have the same behaviors; if you have always had a good education and a good moral conduct, you can be sure that money will not make you different.

Therefore, if you want to start being successful and have results in your life you should not label people who have more money the way you have been doing so far.

4- The rich choose to be paid according to their results; the poor choose to be paid according to the time spent.

Let's use an example to explain it: Jhon has worked daily for 12hrs all year long creating a new product, but at the end the result is not as expected and nobody wants to buy the product he has created, Jhon's normal reaction would be anger and surely if he is working in a company he will demand to be paid for the time he has invested.

Now imagine Marc Zuckember, with one of his first programming codes with many bugs still in it and still not working, demanding to be paid for all the hours he has invested in the creation of his product. I am absolutely sure that Facebook had to be 100% functional before it started receiving dividends from its development.

So remember the following question: are you willing to risk all your time, energy and start-up capital without any guarantee of return? Life will pay you for the results you get, the world will not give you dividends for just trying; it is evident that you must take many risks, that is why for many people the safest option is to work for their time employed because it has less risks; and it is precisely for this reason that there are many more poor people than rich people.

5- The rich focus on their net worth; the poor focus on what they earn from their work.

When it comes to money, the most common question your friends or acquaintances may ask you is: how much do you earn? They will never ask you what is your net worth? Many people have the conception that you can only become richer by earning much more money at work, something that generally does not happen, since with the increase in salary also comes an increase in expenses (a bigger house, a more luxurious car,...), which is why there are many people who even earning a large salary have not been able to accumulate wealth. The rich make a clear distinction between net wealth and earned income. 

Net wealth is composed of four factors:

Income in turn is divided into two groups:

Earned income: this is the money we receive as a result of our efforts; it requires our physical presence, such as a formal job.
Passive income: it is the money that comes to you without the need for you to work actively, for example: the rent produced by a house you rent, money lent at interest, shares in companies,...
These are used to make future investments, if you always spend everything you receive, it will be difficult to accumulate wealth. It is the savings that allow us to make investments that constitute the third element of the net fortune.

Savings will serve us to make investments and acquire assets or businesses that will generate more passive income.

It is to create a lifestyle in which less money is needed to live, at least while your savings and investments are growing.


Imagine, for example, a family earning €4,000 per month, let's say they live in a very large house whose rent is €2,600 and expenses amount to €1,200. In this scenario they would only have €200 to save and then invest, but if instead they rented a smaller house with a much cheaper rent, the amount of money saved would be much larger, allowing them to accumulate money more quickly.

For people who are not financially savvy, the only source of wealth turns out to be earned income, which is why there is a misconception that being financially wealthy is related to having a very high salary and working very hard throughout one's life. Someone who knows these tools and manages money inadequately will have money problems throughout his life; this explains the cases of millions of people who after 40 or 50 years of hard work only have a pension, the house where they live and maybe, with luck, a car... Perhaps they lacked to work more intelligently with their income to make it a more stable support that would allow them a more peaceful life.


If you want to know more about our training proposal in aesthetic medicine, we encourage you to contact us. We will solve your doubts and advise you on what you need.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sanchez

aesthetic doctor

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