Botulinum Toxin Treatment Protocol

Approaches to facial rejuvenation continue to evolve over time. One of these evolving approaches is Botulinum Toxin, which is currently one of the most in-demand aesthetic methods in the world.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sánchez #Medicine #Books

Botulinum Toxin Treatment Protocol
Title:Protocolo de Tratamiento Toxina Botulínica
Author:Dr. Manuel Rubio
Editorial:Formación Alcalá
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Botulinum Toxin Treatment Protocol

All of us physicians are always looking to have small summaries or "chuletas" in which we can quickly recall or review information about different topics or treatments. So the ideal for us is to have something small pocket size that is easy to carry in our gown so that we can consult it at any time. That is why I decided to create a small pocket book about the Botulinum Toxin (Botox) treatment where a protocol for its realization is detailed.

The treatment with Botulinum Toxin is one of the most requested treatments by patients in the Aesthetic Medicine practice, so I consider that bringing this knowledge closer and sharing it with fellow doctors who are in training for a Master's Degree in Aesthetic Medicine is of great help and support at a bibliographic level.

Approaches to facial rejuvenation continue to evolve over time. One of these evolving approaches is Botulinum Toxin, which is currently one of the most in-demand aesthetic methods in the world. And the people who use it are concentrated in a great variety both by age and sex, that is to say, it is used by all types of people.

This treatment consists of rejuvenating the face by eliminating or correcting wrinkles or expression lines that usually appear over the years and that become deeper with age. Therefore it is in itself a treatment to prevent deep wrinkles if they are treated in time, being able to stop them at the time they begin to appear.

The objectives that I propose to achieve with this protocol are to make known what Botulinum Toxin really is, where it comes from and to demonstrate that, although it has as a treatment possible side effects, which are rare, none of them is permanent; being one of the safest and most effective medical treatments.

Some people just by the fact of seeing a patient who has been treated with Botulinum Toxin (Botox) and see that the results have not been satisfactory for procedural reasons, already say they will never use this method of rejuvenation. A very common example, is when you read the magazines of the heart and it appears that a celebrity has been injected with Botox and the results are not good, the readers already think that this treatment is not reliable or does not work, or that the results will always be the same, and in some cases it is not really the effects of Botulinum Toxin. Moreover, Botulinum Toxin treatments have no serious side effects; a derivative of this toxin is even used to treat a large number of diseases.

The objective of the Protocol on the treatment with botulinum toxin is to establish the guidelines for medical action in relation to the application of the treatment described and determine the diagnosis, treatment, indications and contraindications of the same, material to be used, aftercare and complications that may arise with whose treatment is intended to achieve a remodeling of facial aesthetics, through a selective facial chemodenervation, achieving a localized relaxation of the treated muscle, which lasts approximately 4-6 months.

Would you like to buy it? You can find it in physical format in any of our Clinics both in Barcelona and Badalona, or we can also send it to the city where you are in Spain.

You can purchase it at the following link:


If you want to know more about our training proposal in aesthetic medicine, we encourage you to contact us. We will solve your doubts and advise you on what you need.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sanchez

aesthetic doctor

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