Book: "The Compound Effect".

Success is often misunderstood, success is not doing five thousand different things very well, success is doing 12 different things very well 5 thousand times; therefore, success is only achieved when we manage to have the discipline to be the same boring and mundane process day in and day out.


Book: "The Compound Effect".

This book tells the story of three friends, which for the purpose of simplifying this concept we will call them: Pedro, Paco and Luis.

The three have very similar lives and are very good friends, but one day two of the three friends decide to change: Pedro doesn't want to change and stays in the same job and continues with the same routine every day because he "doesn't like change". Paco, on the other hand, decides to make small, simple and not so radical, positive changes: he decides to start reading 10 pages a day, while driving his car every morning to work he starts listening to audiobooks on self-improvement, he reduces 125 calories from his daily diet by changing carbonated soft drinks for water and starts walking a little more during the afternoons around the block. On the other hand, Luis starts to make negative changes: he buys a giant TV to watch his favorite series, he starts to eat a small dessert more often, he sets up a small bar in his living room so he adds one more alcoholic drink a week than he usually does, the changes Luis makes are not out of the ordinary, he just wants to have a little more fun.

After 10 months there are no big changes in sight, the three friends continue with their same routine, but at 25 months the changes are very visible, at 27 months they begin to see radical changes and by month 31 the change is Luis has gained weight and looks obese while Paco looks young and addition, as Paco invested an equivalent of 1000 hours reading good books and listening to audiobooks of personal improvement he gets a promotion at work and his marriage goes from strength to strength. Luis, as he had stagnated and gained weight, began to feel bad about himself, which affected his self-esteem and channeled his bad mood with his wife, creating many problems in his marriage. On the other hand, Peter, who has not changed, is exactly where he started 2 years ago, but now feels bad because he has not progressed in any aspect of his life.


As you can see in this example it is the small changes that we create that lead to the "compound effect".

Albert Einstein said "compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world".

The compounding effect in finance works the same way as it does in other aspects of life.

An example: if we have to choose between receiving one euro cent which doubles every day for 31 days or receiving 3 million euros today, which would you choose? If you chose one cent multiplied every day for a month, this would be equivalent to almost 11 million euros, but if your friend chose 3 million euros, it is likely that after 31 days he will have only 3 million euros. This is the message of the book: small compound effects over time have a big impact on our lives.

Another important concept of the book is posed by the question: Who should I become?

The author tells us that he had visualized the woman of his dreams, but for some reason he always asked himself the wrong question, he asked himself what should I do to get that girl? Instead of asking himself, who do I have to become to attract the girl of my dreams? If he had focused on the first question he would still be looking for that person, instead he did an introspective search inside himself and worked constantly on the qualities he should have to attract the girl of his dreams, and one day without thinking she appeared in front of him and to his surprise, she was exactly as he had imagined her to be.

Jim Rohn said that if you want to have more you must become someone better, success is not pursued because when we pursue something it eludes us, it is like trying to catch butterflies; success is something you end up building when you become the person you want to be. At first glance this concept seems easy, the question here is why doesn't everyone do it? The answer is because it requires discipline and patience, which are two virtues that are very difficult to acquire.success is often misunderstood, success is not doing five thousand different things very well, success is doing 12 different things very well 5 thousand times; therefore, success is only achieved when we manage to have the discipline to be the same boring and mundane process day in and day out.


If you want to know more about our training proposal in aesthetic medicine, we encourage you to contact us. We will solve your doubts and advise you on what you need.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sanchez

aesthetic doctor

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