Book: "How to Suppress Worries and Enjoy Life".

Most of the things that keep us awake 95% of the time are stupid things and the other 5% are things we have no control over and must accept in order to lead a stable and happy life.


Book: "How to Suppress Worries and Enjoy Life".

We have all had a sleepless night where we toss and turn in bed without being able to fall asleep and the reason is worry: maybe you are thinking about the exam of some course and that since you have not had a very good performance throughout the semester you will need a very high grade on the final exam to pass it, or maybe you are thinking that you are going to be fired from your job and you start to imagine yourself in the future living on the street because you could not pay the rent of your house, or maybe you are going through a complicated stage on a personal level such as a divorce, the loss of a loved one or simply that your partner broke up with you. Most of the things that keep us awake at night are stupidities and the other 5% are things we have no control over and we must accept them in order to lead a stable and happy life.

Being worried can generate many physical problems that eventually turn into illnesses such as lowered immune system, ulcers and in some cases even death.

It is a fact that the biggest mistake that doctors make is trying to cure the symptoms of worry which come out in the body without taking into account a cure for the mind, because as Dale Carnegie says "the mind and the body should not be treated separately because they are one".

The author tells us that life only gives us the opportunity to live in the moment and in the day we are in, we cannot live in the past or in the future, only in the example of this is like when you are in college you want to graduate to get a job and be able to buy a sports car you have always dreamed of and be able to have money to go on vacation to all those paradisiacal places you have always wanted. After you graduate and get your first job and buy a car, you realize that you have very few vacation days a year to go on vacation and very little time to enjoy your sports car because you work more than 10 hours a day and even on weekends; and while you are going through this adult stage in your job your children arrive and you are just waiting for them to grow up so you can retire and have more free time. Years later when you are older you analyze and regret all the time you wasted to get to where you are and you forgot to enjoy your youth and your adult life. Dale Carnegie explains it with the following idea:


- Live in "Watertight Compartments."

Living in a compartment is like living in one calendar square at a time because there are two eternities: that of the past which will never return and that of the future which is moving forward and which we can neither transport ourselves nor live in. It is not possible to live in these two eternities not even for a second, if you try to do so you can harm your body and your spirit; therefore, we must concentrate on living in the only time we are allowed: the now.

The author tells us that it is necessary to have goals and plans for the future, but not to live constantly thinking about the future where you are a millionaire or where you have a girlfriend or where you weigh 10kg less than you do now, because the best way to prepare for tomorrow is to concentrate with all your energy, all your enthusiasm on doing today's work today. Take care of the present and the future will take care of itself.


- Cooperate with the inevitable:

Let's say I'm going on a trip and after having planned this trip for four months I leave my house and I get to the airport when I go to check my luggage I realize that I forgot my passport, but if I go back to my house to get my passport and go back to the airport it's going to be too late and I'm going to miss the flight; so in that case I have to accept the inevitable;three things can happen:

  • I'm going to miss the flight
  • I will have to buy a ticket that will cost me more expensive.
  • I am going to be late to my destination.


Unfortunately this is inevitable and I have to accept that this is how it will be. Acceptance of what happened is the first step to overcome the consequences of any misfortune, the worst thing I can do is to lament and self-flagellate. When you find yourself in this situation remember this phrase used by Alcoholics Anonymous: "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.


When you have a problem like the one I have just described, the best thing to do is to ask yourself four questions:

1- What is the problem?

2- What are the causes of the problem?

3- What are the possible solutions?

4- What is the best solution?

And act on the decision you make.


- Assume the worst doom:

Many times when we have problems we ramble on and on, going round and round the subject especially if it is an issue related to work, family, school or your partner. Usually we get stuck and this can last for days and days, and believe it or not the best way to kill the worry is assuming that the worst is about to happen; to do this we must:

Ask ourselves what is the worst that can happen in case we will not get to solve the problem?
Prepare ourselves mentally to accept the worst possibilities.
Start from the worst scenario imagined to try to improve the situation calmly.
Some Chinese philosophers say that true peace of mind comes from accepting the worst, because in doing so there is nothing left to lose. When this happens you will experience a sense of relief and tranquility that will clear your mind and you will be able to think much more clearly.


I have also been in the place you are now. When I started my dream of starting my own Medical Clinic and was the Executive Director, I did not know how to fulfill my responsibilities at work and be present at home with my family at the same time. However, after making changes in my productivity, goal setting and leadership, I was able to take my company forward through an economic recession the country was in and achieve positive results; all while being home in time to have dinner with my family every night.

I now teach the same principles that helped my leadership, along with my team, here at CIME Academy.


If you want to know more about our training proposal in aesthetic medicine, we encourage you to contact us. We will solve your doubts and advise you on what you need.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sanchez

aesthetic doctor

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