Book "Power without limits".

"Each one of us, regardless of our origin, has the power to positively change our lives," first by making the best decisions and second by emulating the performance of those who have achieved the results we seek.


Book "Power without limits".

Why are some people more successful than others? Many might say that some are more successful because they have had better opportunities or perhaps have received better education or have had more influence, but then what has happened to all those who have managed to have amazing results even with few opportunities, is there some special power or ability that has allowed them to achieve what for others seems impossible? Tony Robbins answers this question as follows:

"Each one of us, regardless of our background, has the power to positively change our lives", first by making the best decisions and second by emulating the performance of those who have achieved the results we seek. The author shows us through this book that we don't have to reinvent the wheel but rather look in detail at the key elements that lead people to success so that we can replicate success in our own lives.

It is important to understand the role that our emotional state plays, if we are happy the probability of achieving better results will be higher than if we are angry, but how can we change our emotional states to make them play in our favor? To answer this question we first have to know that our emotional state is affected by both our internal representations and our physiology.
The internal representations are our perceptions of the situations we live day by day, while the physiology has to do with the functioning and general state of our body. On the other hand you should also know that our internal representations can be affected by our beliefs, let's say for example that someone wants to learn a new sport and in his head there is the belief that the practice is directly proportional to the acquired skill, so he starts practicing and after a few weeks he discovers with surprise that his skills are not improving; how do you think this person's internal representation will be in this situation? Surely he will say that this is not his sport, he will feel frustrated and will stop practicing it. In this example we see how a simple belief can affect our internal representations and our emotional state, which will consequently affect our behaviors, but beliefs can also affect other aspects of our life, what if for example we believe that we can become millionaires quickly? What will be our level of persistence when we find out that things are not as easy as we thought? We will surely abandon our ideas very soon and not try again.

This implies that having limiting beliefs makes us focus our attention on bad results, which will obviously affect our emotions.

As we see the beliefs that we possess are very important and play a determining role in our actions, but where do these beliefs come from? they can come from several places, for example, from our environment. If around us we only find people that all their life have had financial problems it will be very easy to adopt the belief that to obtain money is very difficult and the most sure thing is that we arrive to the conformism of only obtaining the necessary thing. Beliefs can also come from past events, if for example when you were in school you did not get good results and someone told you that you were a disaster and that you were never going to achieve anything in your life, it is very likely that this simple event has formed the belief that you can not excel, you can also form beliefs from past results, if you have tried to create a business and have failed several times you can believe from there that nothing works out well for you.

If we look at all the people who have made their lives memorable, we can change all our negative beliefs and adopt those that will help us to improve ourselves:

Everything starts with a belief, if you believe that you will be able to achieve something you will have the potential to do it, which will lead to action and this will subsequently lead to results. Surely just believing will not lead you to the results you expect, there are many other elements to take into account, but if you do not believe that you can achieve it will be almost impossible to achieve it.

Another element to achieve our goals is "passion", understood as the enthusiasm to do things, where even though you have to do a lot of work, you feel fulfilled for making an important contribution. Passion and beliefs are the key elements to achieve success, but there are five others:



The Strategy

In the book "The Art of War" by Tsunami Tsunami describes some planning strategies that could be applied in this case.


Clarity in our values

In the book "Awakening the Giant Within" by Tony Robbins we had already seen that if we live by the values that are most important to you, you will be able to have a more meaningful life. In that book he described himself as a lawyer, who had as one of his main values to help others, he felt completely fulfilled by being able to be in contact with other people and to offer his collaboration, but after a promotion his work seemed less pleasant for him. It was true that he was earning more money, but having a managerial position meant that the contact he used to have with his clients was more sporadic and was not satisfying his main values. This small example is just an invitation to discover what your most important values are, as this will give you clarity to discover exactly what you want.



Understood as the vitality and health of our body to get things done.previously we had said that our emotional state is affected by our internal representations, but also by our physiology; that is why it is important to take care of our nutrition and as much as possible to do aerobic exercise daily as this will give us enough energy and vitality to perform all our tasks.

Establish connections with other people

It is about influencing others in a positive way. This way we can create enough synergy to achieve our results in a more efficient way.

Mastery in communication

Not only with others, but also with ourselves, we can do this by putting in place useful and constructive thoughts and beliefs in order to have a better attitude towards all the situations we face in our day to day life.

Some considerations to take into account when you set a goal would be:

  1. Know what you want your outcome to be.Set a specific goal.
  2. Take action The action itself produces results, although in many occasions these results will not be the expected ones.
  3. We have to compare the results obtained with our initial expectations in order to change our behaviors and strategies until we get what we want. This concept is closely related to continuous improvement. It is important to understand that at all times we are getting results, but if you are not taking the time to act the results will obviously be negative.

All of us have the ability to change our lives, but for this it is important to have certain elements: the first is our emotional state which is affected by both our internal representations and our physiology, internal representations are affected by our beliefs which are formed through our environment, experiences or past results, if these beliefs are negative, we can change them, which ultimately will end up changing our emotional state and increase our ability to get better results, but there are also other key aspects to consider: one of them is passion which gives us the enthusiasm to do things, also important is the strategy that helps us to use correctly all the resources we have available, in addition to this we have our values that if we satisfy them we can give more meaning to our life, energy on the other hand gives vitality to do things, another key aspect is the ability to establish connections with others and finally we have the mastery in communication, not only with others but also with ourselves.

I too have been where you are now. When I started my dream of starting my own Medical Clinic and was the CEO, I did not know how to fulfill my responsibilities at work and be present at home with my family at the same time. However, after making changes in my productivity, goal setting and leadership, I was able to take my company forward through an economic recession the country was in and achieve positive results; all while being home in time to have dinner with my family every night.

I now teach the same principles that helped my leadership, along with my team, here at CIME Academy.


If you want to know more about our training proposal in aesthetic medicine, we encourage you to contact us. We will solve your doubts and advise you on what you need.

Dr. Manuel Rubio Sanchez

aesthetic doctor


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