Top 10 books that will positively influence your life

Top 10 books that will positively influence your life for work, personal and economic growth.

Top 10 books that will positively influence your life

Top 10 books that will positively influence your life

1-The Slight Advantage - Jeff Olson: The author states that to transform our life we only need to perform small actions consistently. For example: I want to read more than ten books a year with little effort, you can achieve this by committing to read 10 pages every day; I want to improve my physical condition, if you dedicate 15 minutes a day to exercise after a while you will have made significant progress.
Starting with small actions can be the best way to promote changes and acquire better habits.


2-Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki: One of the most important lessons of this book is to understand that assets are all those goods that produce income every month, while liabilities are those possessions or belongings that instead of producing income generate obligations. By being clear about this concept, we will be more careful with every purchase decision we make.
The author also makes us aware that a person's economic difficulties are rarely solved with a higher salary, in fact, in many occasions it can even worsen the problem.


3-The way of the superior man - David Deida: This author talks about stopping waiting for everything to be different someday. Many times we have ideas in our heads about what we would like to do with our lives, but there are always factors that stop us; we decide to wait until that moment arrives when all the conditions are perfect to start, but the harsh reality is that our time of existence is limited and if we continue to wait, we will most likely never start. This idea can be applied in many areas of your life, for example, if you have a job that you do not like, you may think that by working hard for 20 or 30 years there until you get a certain amount of money in the bank you can leave it and dedicate yourself to what you are passionate about, but what happens if you never get that amount? or if in the end you do not have as much time left of existence as you think?

4-Mastery - George Leonard: Have you ever tried to learn a skill, but after a few weeks or months you realize that apparently you are making very little progress and decide to dedicate yourself to something else? I think that at some point in our lives something similar has happened to all of us. The main reason that often leads us to give up our goals and projects is the short term vision that the media promotes so much; surely you have seen all those who promise you to earn millions from one day to another or those "miracle" products that assure you incredible results after a few days.our society is unfortunately invaded by all this and it is very easy to adopt the belief that everything has to happen quickly, but the reality is completely different, results take time.
Understanding this concept helps us not to lose motivation when we are apparently not progressing.


5-Man's Search for Meaning - Victor Franco: This book is a narration of the author's personal experiences in the Nazi concentration camps. It describes the inhuman conditions in which the prisoners who were subjected to forced labor lived, their daily food was limited to a small piece of bread and the possibility of being executed was always latent, but even so there were many prisoners who were able to experience the spiritual freedom to face all adverse situations.
If we contrast this with our own life we can realize that it is not worth complaining or complaining about little things, the simple fact of knowing how life was like in the concentration camps makes us have more gratitude for every little thing we have and understand that no matter how many difficulties we have we always have the freedom to choose how to react to certain situations.


6-The miraculous morning - HalElrod:The author shows us how throughout his life he has faced different difficulties which he has been able to successfully overcome.the first of them occurred when he was only 20 years old, in one of the most successful moments of his career, he suffered a terrible car accident that left him in a coma for six days and with little chance of walking again. But against all odds he regained his mobility and started working again on his projects. A few years later, thanks to his skills as a salesman and builder, his business was going well, but in 2008 the financial crisis hit, causing him to fail and go bankrupt. From that moment on, he decided to start over and implemented some habits that would gradually turn his life around again. The author advises us to do six activities before starting our productive day, which allow us to have more energy and motivation: silence, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading and writing.
The author shows us that, regardless of the situation in which we find ourselves, we can always change our lives for the better.


7-Awakening the Giant Within - Anthony Robbins:This book contains many aspects that can improve our lives.Some of the most important lessons you can learn from this book are the following: the first is that our emotional states govern our performance and our decisions, that is why we should look for positive emotions; many people may say that they cannot have positive emotions because they have problems and that makes them feel bad; but the author tells us that, even under these circumstances, we can experience positive emotions if we ask ourselves the right questions. For example, instead of saying "why don't I have opportunities?", "why does everything bad happen to me?", you say to yourself "what alternatives do I have to change my life?", "how can I find new opportunities?",... These types of questions allow you to focus not on the problems but on the possible solutions and so you can start to improve your emotions. A second important lesson is that you don't have to wait for perfect conditions to be happy, our life may go through problematic situations, but the simple fact of continuing to live and enjoy life is a great reason to have gratitude and be happy.

8-Alchemist - Paulo Coelho: This author tells us a fictional story in which Santiago, a shepherd, who after recurrently dreaming of a treasure hidden in the pyramids of Egypt decides to leave his homeland to cross the desert and reach Africa. Throughout his journey he will encounter obstacles and difficult situations, but the desire to find the treasure is what allows him to continue his journey. This is a very inspiring story in which we can draw several lessons: one of the most important is that if we really want something we have to make an effort and understand that, although the road is not easy, in the end we will get our reward if we have the discipline and courage to continue; another lesson to highlight is that we have to learn to overcome our fear of losing what we already have by pursuing our dreams.
In this book Santiago was hesitant many times about continuing, but in the end, despite the risk of losing everything he had achieved, he decided to keep moving forward. This is an attitude of life that we must cultivate if something no longer makes us happy or we have not achieved our goals, because then it is time to move forward in search of new experiences.


9- Habits of Highly Effective People" - Steven Covey: He teaches us that to achieve significant changes in our lives we must first change through three habits: the first is to be proactive, that is, instead of lamenting our situation, look for solutions, the second is to start with an end in mind which involves visualizing ourselves at the end of our life and ask ourselves from now on what we want to achieve and how we want others to remember us, and the third habit is to put first things first, that is, to know how to have priorities and do the things that are most important to us. The fourth habit is to think about winning, that is, try to see how through your actions you can benefit yourself, but also benefit others.
The fifth habit is to try first to understand and then be understood, where you do not judge, listen to the reasons so you can establish more beneficial relationships with others. The sixth habit is synergy, that is, understanding that working together can give better results and more benefits.And finally habit number seven is to sharpen the saw, which means that rest is a fundamental part of having an extraordinary performance.

10- How to win friends and influence people - Dale Carnegie: This book teaches us basic rules of education to have better relationships with others, among the most remarkable is the fact of remembering the name of the people, think about their interests, do not criticize without looking at our own mistakes and praise sincerely.
This is a book that, despite being written a long time ago, still contains very good information that can be applied today.


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Dr. Manuel Rubio Sanchez

aesthetic doctor

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